you fuckin dissapoint me!!!!

“Dead as dead can be,” my doctor tells me
But I just can’t believe him, ever the optimistic one
I’m sure of your ability to become my perfect enemy
Wake up and face me, don’t play dead cause maybe
Someday I will walk away and say, “You disappoint me”,
Maybe you’re better off this way
Leaning over you here, cold and catatonic
I catch a brief reflection of what you could and might have been
It's your right and your ability
To become…my perfect enemy…
Wake up (we'll catch you) and face me (come one now),
Don’t play dead (don't play dead)
Cause maybe (because maybe)
Someday I’ll (someday I'll) walk away and say, “You disappoint me”,
Maybe you’re better off this way
Maybe you’re better off this way
Maybe you’re better off this way
Maybe you’re better off this way
You’re better of this; you’re better off this;
Maybe you’re better off!
Wake up (can't you) and face me (come on now),
Don’t play dead (don't play dead)
Cause maybe (because maybe)
Someday I’ll (someday I'll) walk away and say, “You fucking disappoint me!”
Maybe you’re better off this way
Go ahead and play dead
I know that you can hear this
Go ahead and play dead
Why can't you turn and face me?
Why can't you turn and face me?
Why can't you turn and face me?
Why can't you turn and face me?
You fucking disappoint me!
Passive Aggressive Bullshit
si es fome cuando lo desepcionan, pero muchas veces , no se puede evitar, todas las personas en algun momento te desepcionan, son cosas q pasan, solo ahiq ver q tanta importancia les das al asunto. las deciciones son todas personales, y como todas las cosas, nada es eterno, a veces se necesita resignacion, otras aceptacion, y buscar el por que te desepcionaron, muchas veces esas desepciones estan fuera de las manos, incluso de la persona q te desepciona, lata q sea asi , pero asi es, por lo demas, q una persona no te apoye en una decicion, no quiere decir q no te desee lo mejor con todo su ser, aunq sea lejos de ella, chau, q estes super bien, nos vemos, algun dia, quien sabe, adios.
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