viernes, abril 20, 2007

Cry Freedom

El video es de la pelicula "Children Of Men". Sin contar mucho sobre la película (si es posible, antes de ir al cine no vean ni el trailer), les puedo decir que está ambientada en el año 2027. El único país que ha conseguido mantenerse a flote después de las numerosas crisis mundiales es Inglaterra, donde se vive prácticamente en estado de sitio debido al terrorismo y la inmigración.

La desesperanza se ha apoderado de toda la humanidad por una razón: hace dieciocho años, y sin que nadie sepa por qué, el mundo se volvió estéril. No hay niños, no hay futuro, no hay esperanza. La raza humana está en retirada y no puede hacer nada por evitar su inminente extinción.

En este mundo conocemos a Theo (impecable Clive Owen), un burócrata deprimido y con pasado revolucionario que será contactado por Julian (Julianne Moore haciendo lo que mejor sabe hacer: romperla), su ex esposa y miembro de la resistencia armada.

Mas info: Zona.cL

How can I turn away
Brother/Sister go dancing
Through my head
Human as to human
The future is no place
To place your better days

Cry freedom cry
From a crowd 10,000 wide
Hope laid upon hope
That this crowd will not subside
Let this flag burn to dust
And a new a fair design be raised
While we wait head in hands
Hands in prayer
And fall into a dreamless sleep again
And we wave our hands

Hands and feet are all alike
But gold between divide us
Hands and feet are all alike
But fear between divide us
All slip away

There was a window and by it stood
A mirror in which
He could see himself
He thought of something
Something he had never had but hoped would come along
Cry freedom, cry
From deep inside
Where we are all confined
While we wave hands in fire
Wave our hands

Hands and feet are all alike
But gold between divide us
Hands and feet are all alike
But fear between divide us,
Slip away
In this room stood a little child
And in this room this little child
She would remain
Until someone might decide
To dance this little child
Across this hall
Into a cold, dark, space
Where she might never trace her way across this crooked mile
Across this crooked page
Cry freedom, cry
From deep inside where
We are all confined
Till we wave our hands

How can I turn away
Brother/Sister go dancing
Through my head
Human as to human
The future is no place
To place your better days

Hands and feet are all alike
But gold between divide us
Hands and feet are all alike
But fear between divide us
Hands and feet are all alike
Hear what I say
Hear what I say
Oh, so be it

How can I turn away
Brother/Sister go dancing
Through my head
Human as to human
The future is no place
To place your better days